
Free Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.3.0
Free Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.3.0

  • Registry entries and plist files are now deleted when Sharpen is uninstalled.
  • Mask mode now starts with the subtract brush selected.
  • Disabled model manager preferences panel.
  • Checking an image while in comparison view sets it manual model selection.
  • free Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.3.0

    Switching to comparison view now marks all selected rows to manual model selection, not just the visible one.Exit out of file saving mode when opening a file after processing completes.Reworded “Updates not available” dialog.Reworded welcome message to not acknowledge tutorials.Added link to the learning center in the help menu.Models that need to be downloaded are now italicized in the model selector.Model versions now appear in more places.Fixed plugin mode giving processing errors in certain situations.Fixed users with expired licenses but own 3.3.X being placed in trial mode.Fixed images not being removed from file list after batch processing in external editor mode.Fixed auto mask not being respected when batch processing.Fixed logic for opening in standalone vs external editor mode.Fixed comparison view preview status flickering when changing settings with AUP off.Fixed updated status not resetting when AUP is off.Fixed update preview button not updating when switching comparison view frames.Fixed various issues with updating comparison view frames.Fixed issues with update preview button when AUP is off.Fixed grain slider not marking comparison view frames as not updated.Fixed grain slider not re-generating the preview.Fixed login dialog not closing when it should under specific conditions.Fixed crash when using edge aware in masking.Fixed trial mode warning appearing in the wrong situations.Fixed image quality issues (pixel shift and halos) in majority of cases (updating the current model version).Improved logic on when to display scrollbar in file list.

    free Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.3.0

    Enabled removing images while in masking mode.Fixed mismatched settings being shown after switching from comparison view.Fixed issue with plugin mode not always loading all the correct settings.Fixed wrong file suffix being applied while using auto model.Fixed authentication issue for certain operating system versions.

    free Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.3.0

    Fixed some permissions issues when installing on windows.

    Free Topaz Video Enhance AI 3.3.0